
Ebay 1000W Solar Panel 12V Solar Cell With 60A Controller Solar Charge for Phone RV C

Ebay 1000W Solar Panel 12V Solar Cell With 60A Controller Solar Charge for Phone RV C

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10.10 0.00 €

Origen/Location: guangzhou ( )


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Por es un producto aceptable para su precio . 1000W Solar Panel 12V Solar Cell With 60A Controller Solar Charge for Phone RV C ha sido confeccionado y vendido por que es un usuario con una reputación de % votos positivos.

1000W Solar Panel 12V Solar Cell With 60A Controller Solar Charge for Phone RV C se envía desde ( ) a , lo que es una buena noticia.

Este producto está disponible hasta el 01/01/1970.

1000W Solar Panel 12V Solar Cell With 60A Controller Solar Charge for Phone RV C se vende a través de Ebay, aunque también puede encontrarse en Amazón y AliExpress. En la sección de productos relacionados encontrarás las alternativas a este producto en otros portales.

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es un vendedor bueno con más de votos. Nos hemos comunicado varias veces con el para tomar esta decisión.

For this is a aceptable para su precio item. 1000W Solar Panel 12V Solar Cell With 60A Controller Solar Charge for Phone RV C has been made and sold by that it's a seller with a reputation of % positive feedback.

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This item is available until 01/01/1970.

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Features: 1. Made of high-quality materials, environmentally friendly, durable, and delicate. It has a high conversion rate. 2. A dual output solar panel with USB interface can meet any of your requirements. 3. Environmentally friendly and pollution-free, achieving the conversion of solar energy to electrical energy 4. It has a wide range of applications and can be used in many places, such as cars and Small appliance. 5. Solar panels are devices that directly or indirectly convert solar radiation into electrical energy by absorbing sunlight. Compared to ordinary batteries and rechargeable batteries, solar panels are more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Parameter: Open circuit voltage (voc): 20V Max. Power:10-15W Maximum power voltage (vmpp): 18v Short circuit current (isc): 0.6A Maximum power current (impp): 0.4 Output: USB 5V  .DC 12V-18V Standard test conditions AM=1.5 Irradiance=1000W/㎡ Temperature=25 ℃ Product Information: Size: 435 * 200 * 2.5mm Packing Included:1 X Solar Panel,2 X Alligator Clip,1 X Car Charger,4 X Accessories Note: 1. Due to slight color changes caused by manual measurement and different display settings, please allow for a difference of 1-3 centimeters (0.4-1.18 inches). 2. Due to differences in lighting and screen, the color of the item may differ slightly from the image. Please understand. 3. Please do not use sharp objects to scratch the surface of the solar panel.When charging with a solar charger, please place the solar panel facing upwards in direct sunlight to ensure the best charging effect. Tip: Please refer to the manual to install the device correctly. This manual provides detailed instructions on the connection details between solar panels and controllers. The controller must be connected to a battery in order to function properly. Solar panels need to be exposed to sunlight to function properly. Please do not place the panel under the windowsill or glass, as this will affect the power generation effect.
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