
Ebay Boyd Chemiclean red slime cyano algae remover 2g marine fresh aquariums

Ebay Boyd Chemiclean red slime cyano algae remover 2g marine fresh aquariums

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40.00 10.00 €

Origen/Location: Bergamo ( )


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Boyd Chemiclean red slime cyano algae remover 2g marine fresh aquariums ha sido confeccionado y vendido por . Por este es un producto . es un usuario con una reputación de % votos positivos. Es un vendedor mejorable con más de votos. Nos hemos comunicado varias veces con el para tomar esta decisión.

Boyd Chemiclean red slime cyano algae remover 2g marine fresh aquariums se envía desde ( ) a , lo que es una buena noticia.

Boyd Chemiclean red slime cyano algae remover 2g marine fresh aquariums se vende a través de Ebay, aunque también puede encontrarse en Amazón y AliExpress. En la sección de productos relacionados encontrarás las alternativas a este producto en otros portales.

No hemos podido probar este producto a fondo, pero siempre puedes dirigirte a la web del vendedor para obtener más información pinchando aquí.

Este producto está disponible hasta el 01/01/1970. No dejes escapar esta oportunidad.

This product is within the category where you can also find much more related articles.

Boyd Chemiclean red slime cyano algae remover 2g marine fresh aquariums has been made and sold by . For this is a product. is a user with a reputation of % positive feedback. It's a improvable seller with over votes. We have communicated several times with to make this decision.

Boyd Chemiclean red slime cyano algae remover 2g marine fresh aquariums is shipping from ( ) to , which it is good news.

Boyd Chemiclean red slime cyano algae remover 2g marine fresh aquariums sold through Ebay, but can also be found on Amazon and AliExpress. In the section related products find alternatives to this product in other portals.

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This product is available until 01/01/1970. Do not let this chance go away.

Compra en Ebay Boyd Chemiclean red slime cyano algae remover 2g marine fresh aquariums desde € vendido por .

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Buy on Ebay Boyd Chemiclean red slime cyano algae remover 2g marine fresh aquariums from € selled by .

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Dear Customer,shipping to france, germany, belgium, spain takes 8 - 15 days to arrivewhile for holland the shipment takes a long time, the shipment from italy to holland arrives immediately to customs in holland the problem is that the Dutch post at customs are very slow and it takes about 45 days minimumI had a case in the Netherlands of 110 days to arrivepercu if you do not accept these rules not purchasedthank youIL PRODOTTO E' FUNZIONALE AL 100% NON SI ACCETTANO RESTITUZIONI E RECLAMI QUESTE SONO LE CONDIZIONI ALTRIMENTI NON COMPERATE NULLAATTENZIONE IO SPEDISCO IL PRODOTTO NELLA CONFEZIONE ORIGINALE E LA METTO IN UNA BUSTA PLURIBOLL,E SUCCESSO UNA VOLTA CHE IL CLIENTE MI A DETTO CHE IL BARATTOLO ERA  ROTTO ,PER CUI LUI APRENDO LA BUSTA IL PRODOTTO E CADUTO,QUANDO AVETE APERTO  LA BUSTA DOVETE FARE MOLTA ATTENZIONE E STARE SU UN TAVOLO FA SI CHE NON CADA NULLA ,ALTRIMENTI IO NON RIMBORSO NULLA,QUESTE SONO LE CONDIZIONI ALTRIMENTI NON COMPERATE NULLAPERCUI PER EVENTUALI DISCUSSIONI CONVIENE FARE L'ASSICURAZIONE AL COSTO DI 8 EURO FACOLTATIVA ALTRIMENTI IO NON RISPONDO DI NULLAISOLE MINORI, LAGUNA VENETA E ZONE DISAGIATE  CE UN SOVRAPREZZO DI EURO 6,50 PRIMA DI ACQUISTARE CONSULTATE IL VENDITOREChemiclean cleans stains from red, black, blue-green, and methane (bubble) producing cyanobacteria in marine aquariums.It is completely safe for all fish, corals, invertebrates, and nitrifying bacteria in reef systems. It's simple, quick and easy to use. Chemiclean works within 48 hours oxidizing trapped organic sludge and promotes an ideal enzyme balance. Chemiclean will clean stains from red cyanobacteria in aquariums.Disclaimer - We are not liable and cannot be held responsible for improper use of Chemi-clean.Treats 300 US gallons.1125 litri Chemiclean nettoie les taches de rouge,noir, bleu-vert, et le méthane (bulle) produisant cyanobactéries dans les aquariums marins.Il est complètement sûr pour tous les poissons, les coraux, les invertébrés et les bactéries de nitrification dans les systèmes récifaux. Ce est simple, rapide et facile à utiliser. Chemiclean fonctionne dans les 48 heures oxydants boues organiques piégés et favorise un équilibre enzymatique idéal. Chemiclean va nettoyer les taches de rouge cyanobactéries dans les aquariums.Disclaimer - Nous ne sommes pas responsable et ne peut pasêtre tenue responsable de l'utilisation abusive de Chemi-clean.Traite 300 gallons américains.
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