
Ebay YuGiOh! 25 Aniversario Colección Rarity 2 - Juegos a seleccionar - 1ª Edición

Ebay YuGiOh! 25 Aniversario Colección Rarity 2 - Juegos a seleccionar - 1ª Edición

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1.69 1.10 €

Origen/Location: Leipzig ( )


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Yu-Gi-Oh! TCGYuGiOh! 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection 2 PlaysetYou will receive the exact cards from the picture you selected. Language: EnglishEdition: 1st EditionRarity: UR = Ultra Rare SR = Super RareCondition: Booster fresh / NM or betterPlease also see my other offers.If you buy different offers from here, I'll refund you a discount on postage.International postage with priority mail
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