
Ebay ChangeInbag - Cambiador de bata, cambiador de tapete y bolso todo en uno. ideal para exterioresEbay ChangeInbag - Cambiador de bata, cambiador de tapete y bolso todo en uno. ideal para exterioresEbay ChangeInbag - Cambiador de bata, cambiador de tapete y bolso todo en uno. ideal para exterioresEbay ChangeInbag - Cambiador de bata, cambiador de tapete y bolso todo en uno. ideal para exterioresEbay ChangeInbag - Cambiador de bata, cambiador de tapete y bolso todo en uno. ideal para exteriores

Ebay ChangeInbag - Cambiador de bata, cambiador de tapete y bolso todo en uno. ideal para exteriores

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41.47 12.53 €

Origen/Location: Slough ( )


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Buy on Ebay ChangeInbag - Cambiador de bata, cambiador de tapete y bolso todo en uno. ideal para exteriores from € selled by .

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The changeINbagA new product, take anywhere with you and have a portable changing room!Unzip the bag and fold it flat on the floor, Pull up the tent section, stand in it and zip it up. You now have somewhere clean and dry to stand and somewhere to change in anywhere you are (outdoors or indoors), and can get changed without worrying about anyone seeing anything you don’t want seen!Once you’re changed, simply leave your used gear in the bottom of the bag, zip it up and your stuff is in one place ready for the washing or wherever you go next. The base has a mesh panel so you can ring out most water or mud from your gear too.Ideal for all outdoor activities (and many indoors too) especially at the beach, cycling, running, swimming, triathlons, kids sports activities, etc, etc.This listing is for a GREEN coloured ChangeINbag.Tent section 185cm so One size fits all.
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