
Ebay Herramienta eléctrica de pegamento caliente eficiente hágalo usted mismo máquina de pegamento caliente herramienta manual ligera

Ebay Herramienta eléctrica de pegamento caliente eficiente hágalo usted mismo máquina de pegamento caliente herramienta manual ligera

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15.51 0.00 €

Origen/Location: ShenZhen ( )


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Por es un producto bueno . Herramienta eléctrica de pegamento caliente eficiente hágalo usted mismo máquina de pegamento caliente herramienta manual ligera ha sido confeccionado y vendido por que es un usuario con una reputación de % votos positivos.

Herramienta eléctrica de pegamento caliente eficiente hágalo usted mismo máquina de pegamento caliente herramienta manual ligera se envía desde ( ) a , lo que es una buena noticia.

Este producto está disponible hasta el 01/01/1970.

Herramienta eléctrica de pegamento caliente eficiente hágalo usted mismo máquina de pegamento caliente herramienta manual ligera se vende a través de Ebay, aunque también puede encontrarse en Amazón y AliExpress. En la sección de productos relacionados encontrarás las alternativas a este producto en otros portales.

No hemos podido probar este producto a fondo, pero siempre puedes dirigirte a la web del vendedor para obtener más información pinchando aquí.

Este producto se encuentra dentro de la categoría de donde además podras encontrar mucho mas artículos relacionados.

es un vendedor mejorable con más de votos. Nos hemos comunicado varias veces con el para tomar esta decisión.

For this is a bueno item. Herramienta eléctrica de pegamento caliente eficiente hágalo usted mismo máquina de pegamento caliente herramienta manual ligera has been made and sold by that it's a seller with a reputation of % positive feedback.

Herramienta eléctrica de pegamento caliente eficiente hágalo usted mismo máquina de pegamento caliente herramienta manual ligera is shipping from ( ) to , that it's a good news.

This item is available until 01/01/1970.

Herramienta eléctrica de pegamento caliente eficiente hágalo usted mismo máquina de pegamento caliente herramienta manual ligera sold through Ebay, but can also be found on Amazon and AliExpress. In the section related products find alternatives to this product in other portals.

We could try this product thoroughly, but you can always go to the website of the seller for more information by clicking here.

This product is within the category where you can also find much more related articles.

is a mejorable seller with over votes. We have communicated several times with to make this decision.

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And it has foldable stand for easy support. It has an independent switch to prevent the tool from overheating and ensure safe operation.Featuring fast glue release, strong adhesion and leak-proof, this tool is perfect for all types of crafts and also includes repairing your household essentials including wood, plastic, metal, paper, fabric and more.It is made of high-quality plastic and metal material.This product comes in many styles.It is suitable for home, office, school, DIY, commercial and industrial use.Item Name: Hot Melt Glue ToolMaterial: Plastic, MetalFeatures: Easy to Use, High Efficiency, Ergonomic GripStyle C, Power: 40wStyle D, Power: 100wStyle E, Power: 150wStyle F, Power: 80-120wSize Details:Style A, Length: 15.7cm/6.18", Diameter : 0.7cm/0.28" (Approx.)Style B, Length: 15.7cm/6.18", Diameter : 1.1cm/0.43" (Approx.)Style C, Size: 13cm x 11.2cm/5.12" x 4.41" (Approx.)Style D, Size: 17.5cm x 14.5cm/6.89" x 5.71" (Approx.)Style E, Size: 18.5cm x 16.3cm/7.28" x 6.42" (Approx.)Style F, Size: 18.5cm x 16.3cm/7.28" x 6.42" (Approx.)Notes:Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement.Due to the excellent workmanship and high applicability design, it is convenient to use.. Due to the excellent workmanship and high applicability design, it is convenient to use.With the high quality and exquisite workmanship, it will have a long service life.. With the high quality and exquisite workmanship, it will have a long service life.Package Includes:Style A, B: 10 x Glue SticksorStyle C, D, E, F: 1 x Hot Melt Glue Tool Payment Shipping Return Contact Us 1. We acceptPayPal,Credit card,Debit card,Apple Pay,Google Pay ect as payment. 2. Please be sure your shipping address is correct before make a payment. 1. We ship to your eBay or Paypal address. Please make sure your eBay and Paypal address is correct before you pay. 2. Items will be shipped within 1-7 business days when we received payment. 3. Delivery time depends on destination and other factors. 4. International buyers please note: a. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are buyer's responsibility. We will try our best to reduce the risk of the custom duties. b. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying. 30 DAY RETURN POLICY Customer Satisfaction is our main goal, all items are quality checked prior to being listed and sent out. Please contact us prior to leaving any Negative Feedback and allow us to make things right! If you not satisfied with it please include the original packaging and return form & tracking number otherwise the return may take longer to process the refund. Once we have received the item and inspected it we will issue the refund or resend within 1-7 business days. Please contact us in time if any enquriy under any circumstances. We greatly appreciate your positive feedback and we'll do the same to you. We care about our valued customers, and will always try our best to help you, if you have any problems. Working time: GMT+8 / 9:00-18:30 in normal we will reply you in one working day. On 04-Jan-2024 at 12:48:24 GMT, seller added the following information:.dc_tracker_img{display:none;}.dc_tracker_img:last-of-type{display:block;}p:empty+hr{display:none;}hr+span.ebay,hr+*>span.ebay{display:none;}
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