
Ebay Juego de mega estampillas ucranianas UKRPOSHTA “Bordado” (región de Járkov y Crimea)Ebay Juego de mega estampillas ucranianas UKRPOSHTA “Bordado” (región de Járkov y Crimea)Ebay Juego de mega estampillas ucranianas UKRPOSHTA “Bordado” (región de Járkov y Crimea)Ebay Juego de mega estampillas ucranianas UKRPOSHTA “Bordado” (región de Járkov y Crimea)Ebay Juego de mega estampillas ucranianas UKRPOSHTA “Bordado” (región de Járkov y Crimea)Ebay Juego de mega estampillas ucranianas UKRPOSHTA “Bordado” (región de Járkov y Crimea)Ebay Juego de mega estampillas ucranianas UKRPOSHTA “Bordado” (región de Járkov y Crimea)Ebay Juego de mega estampillas ucranianas UKRPOSHTA “Bordado” (región de Járkov y Crimea)Ebay Juego de mega estampillas ucranianas UKRPOSHTA “Bordado” (región de Járkov y Crimea)

Ebay Juego de mega estampillas ucranianas UKRPOSHTA “Bordado” (región de Járkov y Crimea)

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22.64 4.53 €

Origen/Location: Kyiv ( )


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Embroidery is not just a decorative element. This is Ukrainian history, mythology, religion and the ancient art of our ancestors. Scientists believe that embroidery encodes the nation's genetic code. The embroidered shirts, rushnyks (embroidered towels) and head-cloths represent a variety of techniques and colors from different regions of Ukraine. The postage set combines two issues dedicated to the embroidery of the Kharkiv region and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.The first one shows a nineteenth-century women's shirt with a pictorial image of cockerels on the sleeves, a symbol of the sun, light, and the awakening of life.The second depicts Crimean Tatar embroidery (a women's head shawl “marama”, mid-nineteenth century), which is made in the traditional technique of tambour embroidery Qasnaq using metallized (gold) and silk threads on homespun.The postage set includes sheets “Ukrainian embroidery - the code of the nation. Kharkiv region” and “Crimean Tatar embroidery - code of the nation. Autonomous Republic of Crimea”, two covers “First Day”, two C6 art envelopes and two cards.
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