
Ebay Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro RosaEbay Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro RosaEbay Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro RosaEbay Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro RosaEbay Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro RosaEbay Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro Rosa

Ebay Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro Rosa

Product Code :

52.90 12.71 €

Origen/Location: London ( )


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Por es un producto aceptable para su precio . Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro Rosa ha sido confeccionado y vendido por que es un usuario con una reputación de % votos positivos.

Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro Rosa se envía desde ( ) a , lo que es una buena noticia.

Este producto está disponible hasta el 01/01/1970.

Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro Rosa se vende a través de Ebay, aunque también puede encontrarse en Amazón y AliExpress. En la sección de productos relacionados encontrarás las alternativas a este producto en otros portales.

No hemos podido probar este producto a fondo, pero siempre puedes dirigirte a la web del vendedor para obtener más información pinchando aquí.

Este producto se encuentra dentro de la categoría de donde además podras encontrar mucho mas artículos relacionados.

es un vendedor mejorable con más de votos. Nos hemos comunicado varias veces con el para tomar esta decisión.

For this is a aceptable para su precio item. Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro Rosa has been made and sold by that it's a seller with a reputation of % positive feedback.

Swarovski Iconic Swan Pendientes Chaquetas Cisne Cisne, Negro, Tono Oro Rosa is shipping from ( ) to , that it's a good news.

This item is available until 01/01/1970.

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Swarovski Iconic Swan earring jacketsSwan, Black, Rose gold-tone platedDescriptionFeminine and sophisticated, this versatile pair of rose gold-plated pierced earring jackets features the iconic symbol of Swarovski: the swan. Delicately embellished with dramatic black crystals set in pavé, they sparkle beautifully. Wear alone for timeless refinement or add the Crystal Pearl jackets for a more edgy look. The earrings measure 2.5 cm.Article no.: 5193949Length: 2.3 cmWidth: 1.3 cmMaterial:  Crystals, Crystal Pearl, Rose gold-tone platedColour:  BlackCollection:  Iconic SwanWeight (individual piece):  2.4 gCare & maintenanceSwarovski crystal is a delicate material that must be handled with special care. To ensure that your Swarovski product remains in the best possible condition over an extended period of time, please observe the advice below to avoid damage:Jewellery & Watches:Store your jewellery individually in the original packaging or a soft pouch to avoid damage.Polish your jewellery frequently with a lint free cloth to maintain its original sparkling condition.Our recommendation is, to always place the jewellery on last, as a finishing touch to an outfit.And don’t forget to remove your Swarovski jewellery before washing your hands, swimming or using products such as perfume, hairspray, soap, or lotion. Such products may harm the metal, cause discoloration or cause a loss of crystal brilliance.Avoid contact that may scratch or chip the crystal.Crystal Creations & Home:Polish your product carefully with a soft, lint free cloth or clean it by hand with lukewarm water. Do not soak your crystal products in water. Dry with a soft, lint free cloth to maximise brilliance. Avoid contact with harsh, abrasive materials and glass/window cleaners.When handling your crystal, it is advisable to wear cotton gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints.
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